Why should I start practising karate? What benefits are there?
When you’re thinking about taking up a new sport, you will – of course – think about how you can benefit from it. Maybe you’re looking for weight-loss, improving your general fitness, more stability, more stamina… you name it.
It is absolutely legit to look at the benefits because working out is exhausting and time-consuming and everyone wants the right results for their efforts!
With karate, you can’t really go wrong. It’s such a great and versatile sport. You’ll train your cardiovascular system, your muscles (speed strength and static strength) when performing many techniques in a row while standing in deep stances and then moving as quickly as possible into the next.
Most likely, your trainer will also incorporate strength training into your training regime such as push-ups, squats etc.
Whenever you practise kumite (fighting) you will see how exhausting it is to jump around while trying to do super-fast techniques to land a point.
Moreover, karate will help improve your body coordination. If you first start, it’ll seem difficult to coordinate your arms, legs and hip movement in one swift motion but you’ll get the hang of it the longer you keep practising.
For you turns and kicks you’ll build a great deal of balance which will help you a lot in everyday life. I had countless situations in which I almost fell but my balance saved me from toppling down the stairs or falling of my horse’s back when bucking.
With time you will learn to defend yourself in various situations. Make sure to keep practising the bunkai (application of kata sequences) on a regular basis. The kata contain a lot more and complex applications of your karate techniques than you may think at first.

These things are obvious benefits your body get from continuous training.
However, there are more positive things happening to your mind when you train regularly.
You’ll build a great deal of willpower. Training is not always a piece of cake but if you want to see results you gotta stick with it.
After a while you’ll also start feeling more confident. You stuck with training for a while and noticed all the good things you did for yourself and your body. I’ll make you feel proud and powerful!
You have not only not quitted – you have learnt discipline and commitment. You realized that you can achieve your goals with patience, practice and good habits.
It’ll be such a great feeling I promise!